Protocol Configuration

Governance Member

Governance of NEURONswap consists of Rony Club members. By staking NR tokens, you can become a member of the Rony Club. According to the governance power you earn (gNR), governance members share the revenue generated by the protocol, exercise influence by voting on major governance issues, and operate the protocol together.

Protocol Worker

Anyone can become a protocol worker, even if they are not governance members. Protocol participants can become governance members by contributing to the growth of the protocol through various methods without capital contribution and acquiring NR tokens as an incentive.

  • Planning

Governance Planning : Governance planners can propose and review research and planning agendas on governance developments and earn NR tokens as incentives.

Technical Planning : Technology planners can propose and review research and planning agendas on the development of NEURONswap, the DEX protocol, and earn NR tokens as incentives.

  • Development

Developers report bugs of DEX or develop open source-based developments according to the protocol technology development roadmap and propose them to governance, and if they pass, developers can earn NR tokens as incentives..

  • Design

Designers can revise and improve the web and app design of the DEX protocol, or design the NFT of Rony Club and earn NR tokens as an incentive.

  • Marketing

Marketers can promote the DEX protocol, expand the community ecosystem and earn NR tokens as an incentive through referrals.

  • Operation

Operator can participate in DEX operations such as NR token distribution adjustment, agenda review, and whitelisting and earn NR tokens as an incentive.NR

Last updated